Contemplative Videos

Begin meditation

Begin Meditation and Contemplation

Breathwork can help to begin meditation and contemplation

If you want to begin meditation and contemplation, you can start here. We introduce you to the views and methods to start a practice. Breathwork can be calming and healing. The ancient Taoists promoted breathwork as a way to prolong longevity and live a healthy life. Starting and sustaining a breathwork practice can be less challenging if one sees the futility of clinging to things. Often it is easy to practice breathwork if one is willing to let go of the usual preoccupations and predispositions and ready to set aside some time for the practice.

Bringing meaning into our lives can be facilitated by easing into stillness and quiet. When we are free of the noise generated by our minds, we are better able to focus on and connect with what is most important for us. The true value of practices such as these are felt when we are able to find within ourselves the reservoir, capability and spaciousness to connect with what is deeply valued instead of reacting automatically and wastefully to whatever occurs within and around us.

Breathwork may be viewed as a contemplative practice that aids to begin meditation and in generating a calm centered state conducive to reflection and contemplation. Practices such as these are best viewed as means to increase the ability of the mind and body to weather distress and perturbation, especially when done regularly and not just as a way to feel good. Introspection and contemplation are actually ways to learn to reperceive what could be difficult to handle or process and these practices help to re engineer our lives so that we can harmoniously integrate what is jarring and stressful and keep treading a path to ease, meaning and fulfillment.

The actual practice video follows

Contemplating the Absolute - Starting a Contemplative Practice

At contemplative, we believe that contemplative practice isn't really done in a vacuum. To begin meditation and in order to deeply engage and benefit from the practice, we need to have a reason or perhaps a view. Suffering is often a reason to take recourse in prayer, meditation or contemplation. The more things and experiences we acquire, the less they seem to satisfy. The truth is, that whatever is impermanent is inherently unreliable. This truth may start as a mere notion or a view and we find ourselves seeking meaning or a valued direction to take.

Contemplation of what is absolute opens us to spaciousness and ultimate meaning. It is when we are uncertain and insecure that such contemplation brings patience and wisdom. This insecurity is often the starting point for practice

There are times when nothing short of what is absolute is enough. Can we ever reach what is causeless and absolute? Perhaps not, but we can try and approach it. In that journey come glimpses of formlessness and timelessness.

Begin meditation and contemplation by stilling yourself and affirming that you will progress to finding space and meaning


Learn How To Be Still-Begin Meditation By Allowing Movement

Beginning meditation need not be a complicated affair. Stillness can come when we see the truth of movement. If we can see that all of existence is a movement, it is easy to be still, no matter what we are doing. Allowing the movement that is our body, our thoughts, feelings and sensations can be conducive to deep reflection.