Looking for Attachment

Even when we are lucky enough to get what we want, we continue to seek sensorial gratification. The reason for this might be the ingrained association between our environment and what we deem as ourselves. The generation of needs thus stems mainly from our senses which connects our being with what is around and within us. There is basically nothing we can do about where we are. We might think there is but barring some inconsequential details, we lie trapped on the planet and the vagaries of whatever it is that arises within it. What is within us is however amenable to some modification. When we see that sensory appeasement is virtually impossible given the apparent possibilities and diversity of what we can be exposed to, the best option is to not be attached to anything.

Is this difficult to do? Not really, if we see that nothing whatsoever will quench the senses other than momentarily. We cannot obviously shut off our senses but we can choose to decide that we will stop at basically the prevention or amelioration of pain. When we see the truth of sensorial unsatisfactoriness, we can happily turn to abiding with whatever comes up. Happily because we see that doing so is the only thing that can bring lasting peace as opposed to the feeding of sensorial demands which are literally endless.

Does this mean punishing yourself or others? Definitely not. It means being calm and as comfortable as possible with what we have. When we practice doing this, there alights a sense of not control but of acceptance. With this acceptance comes allowance and a degree of maneuverability. Most importantly, we come to see that endowments or the lack of these is not a factor that need cause distress. With this realization, there is a chance that even happiness might be arrived at with what we have at our disposal. Perhaps even more valuable is the seeing that we are all in the same predicament irrespective of who we are, where we are or how we are. Because we all see and hear, touch and sense. That is the starting point, not of acquisition or accomplishment, but of increasing dissatisfaction and misery. Since there is no escaping the snare of our senses, we could choose to abide with what we can sense and not ask for any more.

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