
We go about our lives doing this and that. Seldom do we pause to consider that every thing we do, mental or physical sets up reliance on what is supposedly certain or mostly on what is supposedly good. This reliance embeds our dependency on body and mind. Why is this detrimental? Because, through our body and mind we endlessly depend on apparent certainty where there is really only uncertainty. Perturbation lies in limitedness in the face of complete freedom. In a field of complete freedom, there are likely no parameters to call upon. Parameters are division in such a field and we mistakenly think that they are not in ours.

Say, we love our TV set. We look upon it, view audio-visual features endlessly, eat with it, talk with it. Hence our body and mind by virtue of interfacing with it learn to rely on what feels good, and secure. Now consider this. What is more of a possibility? There being my TV set or its absence? The wiring could spoil, the screen could crack, I could go blind or immobile, there might be an earthquake, I might have to shift where there is no TV set, any of these possibilities are far more possible than me sitting and watching TV while I eat! We at Contemplative like to call this the “Nothing Possibility”. The nothing possibility is far more likely, and pervasive than any apparent certainty we can work towards. Thus, the nothing possibility is complementary to apparent certainty, and these combined are actually complete uncertainty!

Now, if we were to entrench our body and mind, not to mention our biases and predispositions with only apparent certainty, would we ever be free? A few moments of reflection will reveal that freedom with our usual ways is simply impossible. Would you rather be swayed by what appears certain and stay circumscribed endlessly or would you rather be free?

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