
Being Open?

In the face of all that we do not know and will never fathom, is it possible to be haughty? Perhaps that is not the right question to ask. What we likely should be wondering is which is better, humility or indifference. When there is a lot of pain, we naturally try to keep ourselves …

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The Mirror of Being

When we are comfortable, our senses seek gratification. There is a likelihood that when things feel proper, our systems initiate signals for growth. While such a development is not unhealthy, it can be a precarious position to be in. This is because, if unchecked, there arises the inclination to consume. The weight of emotional and …

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The belief that we are individuals doesn’t necessarily have to be a good thing. Humankind monger the self and value personal identity. In truth, nothing is personal. We are all part of a movement, and it is one movement. This space is not inherently compartmentalized into me and you or this and that. As a …

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Definite Origins

Individually, we are a single consciousness. Our environment, ambience and constructions lay the ground for the reaching into principle origins which likely is a stream of pre-definition. What does that mean? It means that our being, singly and collectively has its origins beyond the distribution of probability. In as much as imagination allows, this might …

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The Object of Anger

Anger often confuses. We tend to err in assuming that our inclinations will always bear fruit. The objectification of want or hope takes away the willingness to allow the unfolding of events bereft of supposition. This means that we struggle to reestablish an anchor that grounds choice amidst plenty. Any plenitude stems from choosing to …

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Skillful Compassion

Being compassionate is never a weakness. However, being skillfully compassionate means not getting emotional about yourself or the subject of your compassion when there is suffering, yours or theirs. When the subject of your compassion is not present near you, one can be soft and tender. That is never a weakness either. Joyful endurance in …

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Hurting and Knowing?

For those of us who happen to trust in the presence of the absolute, there always remains a conundrum. The knowledge that there is presence and design is difficult to bear. How do we come to terms with our pain and distress while there is design that is all inclusive and complete? That we are …

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Freedom in View

The means to freedom can become available to us. Part of this endowment is realizing that our state, while not permanent is established. We cannot escape where we are and what there is. Envisioning freedom includes accepting this hard fact. If we invest our being in ceaselessly moving towards this freedom then our cages themselves …

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Lessons We Learn

We can choose to think that nothing will go wrong. Or we can choose to learn that when things are painful, we are meant to look at how pain and distress hasten us along the path to setting our sights upon immense magnitude. What does this mean? It means that in approaching immensity of an …

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