While we cannot know how much insecurity will be thrust upon us, we can take heart in the fact that each one of us suffers and each one of us wants to be happy. It might be important to see this clearly. How we will be and where we will end up is really always uncertain but we can take some comfort in knowing that all of us have our share of distress and worry to deal with. Monitoring this distress is reasonable but getting overly concerned with the cessation of our pain serves no end. Perhaps we ought to take the necessary steps to maintain strength. That likely helps although even that is secondary to constantly and patiently weathering whatever comes our way.
This is not resignation, it is acceptance. An active recognition of our vulnerability as well as our capacity to find in ourselves and each other, the ability to be skillfully flexible and adaptive. With patience, we might learn to be secure in the knowledge that we can carry on despite difficulties and that we can always rely on the wise use of whatever we have to work with. When we do this, everything confers value and difficulties become opportunities.
However, it might be important to continue to learn from uncertainty and distress and not start depending too much on the comfort that we think we can create for ourselves. While it could be important to be as comfortable as possible when there is a lot of distress, we have to remember that even though we can chart our course, the terrain is not really up to us.