Absorbed in Nothing

If we can chart the path of relinquishing grasping at the self, we might be set free. Along this course, it is likely important to see that sense-awareness does not cease. These impressions are the fuel for continual movement. No matter how jarring, disturbing or calming they might be, they are there. The addition into sense-awareness of the wish to modify what is occurring places unnecessary weight upon what is already an imposition. With this weight comes an unwieldiness and fixedness of matter that is pervasively alluring in its entrapment.

Perhaps what we can try and do is to just resolve this wish to modify, and no more. We can do so by seeing that we cannot complete anything by carrying out such a wish. Why is that? Because natural sense-awareness is perfectly complete, both in its diversity as well as its universality. The range and variance of what we are and can experience is probably the only design that is needed to equip us to learn to act. If this action bestows ease with the minimum of risk, such a state of completeness continues.

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