Stepping Down.

The rendering of the quality of proportion of any higher order system has a trajectory. The conduit or system that transmits is likely always fixed. The touchpoints of higher order and smaller order fields possibly house the capacity for flux. What is intervening (the conduit) is a medium for shifting phase, as it were. Say, …

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Being Possibility…

That we view ourselves and everything within and around as marks amenable to modification need not be the sole abstraction to take recourse in. If we consider the absence of delineation when it comes to matters of origin and dissolution, we might be pressed to reevaluate the notions of substance or cause and effect. Cause could …

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The Truth of Perturbation

Perturbation is a fact of the circumscription of essential magnitude. This means that immensity confers its property even within the inevitable decay of proportion. In that manner probability fields are downstream to freedom from probability. Considered in a simpler fashion, this implies that the process of involution is at one end of the trajectory that …

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Creating Time…

We might think our minds fathom and bodies do. However, it bodes well to remember that we cannot dissociate our actions from the way we are feeling, sensing or thinking. Our progression in the unfolding of time embeds us within it. Our form, which includes mental form not only interfaces with but embeds within this …

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Developing Strength…

When we see that our journey’s are long and hard, we are apt to take recourse in things that convolute movement. Often, and with the proper aids, a major movement is a barely perceptible shift. It stays with us permanently, unlike what appears to be significant, but actually isn’t. As has been repeated many times …

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Effective Deliberation: One Way Forward

Having broached the topic of Rightful Mental Activity, it behooves us to consider further, mechanisms and implications. What, we might ask, ought to be our approach for attempting to engage in RMA? Sitting with happenstance without commentary or the desire to intervene doesn’t have to be inordinately difficult. While we have to measure and act …

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The Falsity of Relief

When we suffer, we start to hope that our pain will abate. While there is nothing improper about that, we ought to remember that any relief has to be seen in the proper light. With relief, there is the generation of expectation. Such a thing is more pronounced the more we suffer. Therefore, the notion …

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Not Hurting

Each one of us is different. While there is nothing unique about us or anything special, we are all guided. The guidance that we receive comes from our ability to look past differences and what we think we ought to choose. Simplicity should be always a prerogative lest we decide that there is something we …

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Both There and Not There

Some of us are perhaps aware of physical principles. It is known that the presence of any substance is relative. Relative to the observer and the observed. This means that the definite characteristics that we ascribe to phenomena are a factor of observation. The object of observation as well as the subject observing are likely …

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