Contemplation Practices

The Path Forward

The notion that wellbeing is free of pain and suffering is inaccurate. How we sense endlessly changes. There is always the possibility that what might be seen as favorable is sensed as painful. This means that as we negotiate our lives, we ought to give equal credence to pain as well as the absence of …

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Being Possibility…

That we view ourselves and everything within and around as marks amenable to modification need not be the sole abstraction to take recourse in. If we consider the absence of delineation when it comes to matters of origin and dissolution, we might be pressed to reevaluate the notions of substance or cause and effect. Cause could …

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How we are meant to be is always open to question. However, it is important to remember that affairs never end. What we need to occupy ourselves with ought not to affect our freedom. This freedom includes the willingness to cease and relinquish. To be grateful for our run and to not ask for more. …

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Absorbed in Nothing

If we can chart the path of relinquishing grasping at the self, we might be set free. Along this course, it is likely important to see that sense-awareness does not cease. These impressions are the fuel for continual movement. No matter how jarring, disturbing or calming they might be, they are there. The addition into …

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How It Is

In moving towards emancipation, we have to chance beyond the self. It is likely that unpleasant or even aversive happenstance leave a more lasting imprint than what is deemed pleasant. This could be, because with the experience of difficulty, the ‘me’ is identified, recalled and re-established. The elements that constitute the self such as form, …

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